Image of ZINE #2: Living In the Red - a Brief History of U.S. Housing Discrimination

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ZINE #2: Living In the Red - a Brief History of U.S. Housing Discrimination


13 pages, color, PDF version emailed to you

This zine was originally created for the 'White Tiers' donation level of support to The Uhuru Dream House's Patreon

What to Expect from this Zine:
'Living in the Red' addresses the creation and perpetuation of systematic
racism (a system designed to keep Black people as the
underclass) as it relates to housing discrimination.

How this zine was put together:
A white, queer supporter of The Uhuru Dream House independently
organized, researched and compiled what you will find in this zine. After
completing a first draft, it was sent to Uhuru who generously offered
guidance, edits and suggestions. Those offerings were implemented,
resulting in the final version available to you.

White folks purchasing are strongly encouraged to select one of the + reparations options below.